A review by c2pizza
Molloy by Samuel Beckett


Molloy is the dream where you are running and you keep moving slower and slower until you are moving so unbearably slowly the dream becomes a horror, except in this version of the dream you are also laughing and you're unaware of why you are laughing, but it feels right in its own way, so you continue until you start running quickly, but, unprepared for the sudden acceleration, you trip and tumble through a bramble bush into a ditch, and lay there, starring at the sky in all its sunken ugliness (it being just before dawn) and you wonder, or you don't, just how it all came to this, why am I here, where am I going, or was I going here, where have I been, aren't dreams where you are running disturbingly slow a sign that something is weighing heavy on your subconscious mind?