A review by 1outside
Ayoade on Top by Richard Ayoade


Well, despite loving Richard on TV, the first book of his I read, Ayoade on Ayoade was too meta and too footnoted for me to enjoy on all levels, but promo interviews he did about this book convinced me I might actually truly and thoroughly enjoy this one. And I did!

Just like the film it analyses it's relatively short, but unlike the film it doesn't feel neverending. Phew!

Yes I did watch the film in preparation for the book. It did add another dimension to the experience of reading Ayoade on Top but is the extra dimension worth losing 1 hour 27 mins of your life to View from the Top? The answer is a resounding NO.

It's a fun little dessert of a book (which does contain footnotes but there's far fewer of them here than in AoA), and I can highly recommend it!