A review by cammiixy
Robot Dreams by Isaac Asimov

Did not finish book. Stopped at 40%.
Apparently I forgot to rate a few of the stories before just letting this one go. I LOVED iRobot but these storylines were dry, and boring 

  1. "Little Lost Robot" (1947), a Robot story 4.5/5
  2. "Robot Dreams" (1986), a Robot story 4.5/5
  3. "Breeds There a Man...?" (1951) 2/5
  4. "Hostess" (1951) 2/5 a weeee sexist 
  5. "Sally" (1953), a Robot story 5/5
  6. "Strikebreaker" (1957) 1/5 
  7. "The Machine that Won the War" (1961), a Multivac story
  8. "Eyes Do More Than See" (1965) 3/5
  9. "The Martian Way" (1952) 3/5
  10. "Franchise" (1955), a Multivac story
  11. "Jokester" (1956), a Multivac story
  12. "The Last Question" (1956), a Multivac story 4/5