A review by labraden
Always Time to Die by Elizabeth Lowell


Carolina May has been hired by Winifred Castillo to trace her family's history, but some people in Winifred's family don't want their long-held secrets revealed, especially Winifred's nephew, Governor Josh Quintrell of New Mexico. When Josh's father, US Senator and womanizer, AJ Quintrell dies, Josh decides to use his death to propel him into a run for the presidency. At the same time, threats against Carly begin with a bloody dead rat on her pillow. Dan Duran of St. Kilda Consulting is home due to an injury that he sustained while on the job that he continues to tell people occurred in a climbing accident. He recognizes that Carly has an uphill battle trying to trace the family's history, so he decides to help and hopes that he will be there if threats against Carly become more violent.
Powerful family secrets are the center of Always Time to Die. The story is filled with characters that are part of the family or are in some way connected to the family that have secrets of their own. Details about those secrets are slowly revealed throughout the book; some of which leads to further investigation and danger for Carly and Dan. The large number of characters in the story make it a little difficult to follow, but the family tree at the beginning of the book does help. There is an unexpected twist toward the end of the book, making the struggle through the multitude of details earlier in the story worth the effort. The romance between Carly and Dan plays second fiddle to the mystery surrounding the Quintrell/Castillo family. Overall, a well written and researched story that suffers a little from so many characters.