A review by messyshelves
30 Days of Night: Omnibus Volume 2 by Robbie Robbins, Justin Eisinger, Alonzo Simon, Steve Niles, Kody Chamberlain


Somehow despite being a horror fanatic I've never read the original comics or seen the movie (something I need to rectify) so I went into this totally blind. I thought the premise of this was really interesting and I really wanted to see more of the Stella. However, so much of this felt rushed. I felt like I was reading a Cole's Notes version of what this story actually was. And I have so many questions. How did the characters survive for so long? What happened on all those days? How did Eben come back? Who the hell was the stranger guy?

I can't help but feel I wasted my time reading this when I could have been reading the original comics which I've heard great things about. At least I'll definitely check it out now because the ideas are good just the execution in this was... lacking.