A review by bookwife
Sherwood by Meagan Spooner


I have many thoughts on this book... Some good, some bad. First off I LOVE that this is a gender bend retelling of Robin Hood. I love that Marian was a total badass. She really was an awesome character. What I really didn't like was that there was flash backs to her and Robin from their childhood. There are some instances that I get but we are suppose to believe she fell in love with someone else by the end and I felt like they had zero connection because she was always thinking about Robin. I get that some of the flashbacks added to the overall storyline but I think it also took away from the current "romance". I honestly like 100% thought that Robin was somehow still alive and that he was going to show up and save her in the end. Like in the very last confrontation ( I won't spoil and say what) but I thought Robin was going to show up and be like SURPRISE! Thats how often he was talked about or how often she thought about him. It was a surprise when he wasn't the one to save the day.

Overall I enjoyed this story. I loved Marian and her band of merry men. I loved the friendships. There were parts that were slow and a tad boring but still enjoyable. I actually liked the love interest. a lot of reviews I have read do not like him but I did. I don't like their relationship. It felt forced. But I liked the characters as individuals.

This was 100% cover buy. The cover is gorgeous. I went into it knowing nothing and I am not disappointed I picked it up.