A review by shelf_love
The Innocents by David Putnam


I received a free e-book in exchange for an honest review.

This just was not the story for me. It was too fast-paced and had too many story lines happening. On the first day of the job he is sleeping with one woman, his ex comes by and drops off a baby, his baby, and multiple fatal shootings and a stabbing. Or main character is then strong armed into infiltrating dirty cops. These cops are more then willing to misbehave for him right away.

Most these events just have no grounding in reality. Even the whole baby girl story. You have a newborn dropped at your door and your dad basically kicks you out to go to work right away? Umm, I think anyone would call an emergency sick day. You have a newborn with no formula, diapers, wipes or anything. Though, there is the neighbor next door that is free with a seconds notice and can watch the baby for 48 hours right away...

I did see that this could be considered book 5 in a series? Maybe there is a lot of character development missing. I just could not get into it.