A review by lulustjames
Enchanting Yuletide by Ck Brewer, Barbara Lieberman, Guy Donovan


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This was SUCH a welcome holiday read! I was contacted out of the blue to review Enchanting Yuletide, and even though I was hesitant, a) because anthologies are usually hit-or-miss, but more importantly because of b) what we went through reading the Wolfsbane and Mistletoe holiday anthology. However, I was sad that I hadn’t read anything holiday-ish this month, so I said yes. I was SO HAPPY I gave it a chance! The stories were all fantastic in different ways, thought provoking, and actually left me feeling moved. I mean, I got weepy over one story in particular.

It’s a really short anthology of only six authors — six stories. So, I don’t want to give too much away. But I will talk a little about my two favorite — Hand-Me-Downs by Barbara Lieberman and The Memory Tree by Ellie Lieberman. Hand-Me-Downs was incredibly heart-warming with a touch of holiday magic that is incredibly relateable given the times we live in right now. A mother-daughter pair who find themselves struggling. No home of their own, constantly on the move, health issues. Yet, even with the struggles, they have love, family, friends. They are never thrown away or discarded. Their holiday becomes a magical affair that just makes you feel warm and reminds you of those old black-and-white movies you’d watch as a child the week between Christmas and New Years Eve.

Then, juxtaposed next to such an uplifting tale, we have The Memory Tree by Ellie Lieberman. Just as touching, but in such a different way. Where Hand-Me-Downs shows us the good cheer in holiday spirits, The Memory Tree reminds us that it is okay, and sometimes necessary, to remember the not so good during the holiday season. The things that hurt and are missing. The people that are no longer around the Christmas Tree or the dinner table. Just thinking about this short makes me emotional. It almost feels like we are given permission to feel bittersweet, which is something I personally find comforting the older I get.

The other four stories in Enchanting Yuletide are also just as fantastic, but in different ways. We have Seasons, a story of 3 brothers — one a neutral party, one a bitter betty, and the other forced into a villainous role. I mean, who, with siblings, can’t relate to that dynamic? Then there’s Tempus Fugit where we find upgrades aren’t always a great thing… Then, for those looking for a more straightforward fantasy take on Winter, we have Deep Winter Fire and Solstice Magic. Both constructing beautifully detailed worlds where humans emerge as the inheritors of magic.

After reading Enchanting Yuletide, I have to honestly say, I have six new authors to add to my watch list. Their ability to create such beautiful worlds in so small a space is a sign of true talent. Considering the kindle price is only $3.99 USD right now (December 15, 2017), do yourself a favor, get into the Christmas mood, and pick it up!

// I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this title. //