A review by morgangiesbrecht
Even If I Fall by Abigail Johnson


4.5 ⭐️

Reading this book felt a little like going on a blind date.

An author friend had recommended another book by Johnson (which my library had the audacity not to have, haha), so I tried this one instead. Because of who the recommendation came from, I felt safe enough going in on a whim. And boy oh boy, was I in for a ride!

Two teens.
Two families.
Torn apart by tragedy neither will ever forget.

Brooke was a likeable YA protagonist. Since I’ve aged out of the genre, sometimes teen characters can feel a bit annoying & too dramatic. But Brooke wasn’t that way. She reminded me a bit of Avery Grambs from “The Inheritance Games” actually. And let’s face it, she & Heath were very cute together going from enemies to reluctant friends to lovers.

It’s a bit like Romeo & Juliet in the nature of forbidden love. Only, in this story, Juliet’s brother killed Romeo’s brother (they were best friends) and now Romeo’s family & the entire small town hates Juliet’s family.

But more than a murder with unanswered questions and a forbidden love that might never work out, this story is one of grief & loss. Of how we grieve & handle those emotions in different ways. It’s a palatable story of waking up after the hard winter of grief and trying to live again.

This summer YA coming-of-age with a wholesome romance and a murder that might not be a solved as everyone thought is the perfect story for fans of “The Summer We Forgot” (Caroline George) & “We Were Kings” (Court Stevens)!

Ever so glad I took a risk on this one & look forward to reading more from Johnson!

Content: mild language