A review by booknallnight
The Threat Below by J.S. Latshaw, Jason Latshaw


Humanity was once a thriving population until a terrible threat almost ended them. Remaining survivors made their way high up into the mountains, where the Threat Below (as they became known) could not go.

Three hundred years later, humanity is surviving, broken into groups with their lives and jobs set out for them. Rigid rules are followed in order to keep the population thriving, as well as manageable.

It is soon discovered that the only supply of water for the entire Mountaintop has become poisoned. A decision is made and, despite no one setting foot outside The Wall in 300 years, a small regiment is sent Down Below to see what is causing the water poisoning and fix it.

Meanwhile, behind the regiment, follws Icelyn Brathius (next in line to rule the Mountaintop). She wants to be a part of the expedition and see what is Down Below. Little does she know that the secrets she uncovers will change everything.

For fans of YA Dystopian type reads, this is definitely for you. Great characters, world building and setting. It was easy to really picture the places and creatures described. I loved the way human life, before the Threat Below, is explained. It's very creative!

Icelyn is a young yet strong female lead. She did irritate me a tad but that's to be expected as she changes, adapts and grows. Adoradne is what I expected, a hard-headed, yet intelligent, boy who wants to test the limits placed and break the rules. It's great lol. The comraderie between Icelyn and Adoradne is light, sarcastic and well... enjoyable. We all have that friend who can bring out the best..and the worst but is always steadfast in their friendship. Overall a really unique, and fun read.

I sincerely appreciate the author gifting me a copy of this E-Book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed herein, are mine and mine alone.