A review by sbaunsgard
A Piece of Blue Sky: Scientology, Dianetics, and L. Ron Hubbard Exposed by Jon Atack


Highly critical history of Scientology and its abuses, biography of L. Ron Hubbard, and outline of the type of 'auditing' that the author has experienced. Written in a journalistic style, it can be difficult to slog through, but is fascinating if you are interested in the material. Of particular interest is the information about Hubbard, who reminds me of basically any character from Philip K. Dick's "A Scanner Darkly." (I am not kidding.) In a way, I can also now see why Scientology is attractive in the initial stages where it can build the confidence of memebers. I don't believe the rank and file Scientologist is neccessarily a bad person. I do believe that the leaders have been and have perpetrated systematic abuse both of memebers and critics, and at its core, the whole thing is a scam. I'll stick to reading the Buddhist stuff for myself.