A review by marimoose
Snow: A Retelling of "snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" by Tracy Lynn


First, fairy tale. Suddenly, steampunk. Yeah, that's what I felt like reading this book. Actually, I blinked a few times and went: "Wait. Either I've gone clockwork-crazy and see steampunk everywhere or this book actually HAS steampunk elements." And as much as everyone knows I have issues, the book is actually the latter. The "Clockwork Man" chapter practically confirms things, if nothing else.

This was also, pleasantly enough, a re-read. I remember and don't remember reading Snow. By the time I made the second part, however, I realized how much I actually did retain from the story. Go figure.

Anyway, this was adorable. It was an interesting way to mix science, alchemy, fairy tales, and age-old traditional folklore all in one retelling of a popular fairy tale. Not to mention there were chimeras in the story. That's what probably set my paranoia off first. Well, paranoia that wasn't really paranoia, come to think of it.

Also, the ending was a little odd, but it made me laugh!