A review by amgs90
Wallbanger by Alice Clayton


4 Huge Stars!!


This book was sooo funny, it was just what I needed, a nice read full of laughs and steamy situations!

And of course, full of Wallbanger! Simon... *sigh*

I'm now a fan of Alice Clayton, her writing was brilliant! She had me smiling most of the time, and drooling over our Wallbanger. God, he was sexy.

When I read the description I thought it was pretty unique, and then I saw a lot of people here talking about this so I got very curious myself. And it didn't disappoint.

A girl who lost her O, a guy who can make a woman meow or giggle in bed... it looked pretty interesting. And I always love some romance between neighbors.

At first I thought Simon was the typical womanizer, but I'm glad I was wrong and we get to know more about his personality, that and his sexiness combined are the perfect mix. Also he has a great taste in music and he's a photographer! I liked him more and more with every page.

About Caroline, she was amazing, her talks with herself were so funny, and even with the cat, Clive. This was a very peculiar pussy, and sometimes I found him a bit annoying, comical and unrealistic
SpoilerI still can't believe Clive stopped her big O! She was so close... and in that moment I had to read the scene again because I was like... "What the hell is happening?" I found that scene a bit off...
but at the end you can't help but loving him too.

Even the secondary characters were great. This story has it all, it's very complete.

And the steamy scenes.... oh God. I loved the relationship between Caroline and Simon from the start. The way it grows with time. They start getting into each other nerves, but then their friendship is really awesome until they can't fight their feelings anymore. I liked the fact it wasn't rushed and it made sense. You could cut the sexual tension with a knife, it made you want more and more.

Sometimes I like when the H/h hit it off from the start, but in this case I liked the pace of things. That kind of anticipation was exciting and made you want to know when they were going to get together. And of course, if the O was going to come back.

The last part of the book made up for all the time we didn't get any action.

I highly recommend this book, it has humor, likeable characters and lots of sexy times.