A review by greenbeanteenqueen
Sleepless by Terri Clark


When I first saw a picture of this cover, I had now idea it was a suspense story, I thought it was another cute romance. So when I actually saw the book trailer, I was surprised. The book looked so good I had to give it a try, even though scary stories aren't my favorite. (Plus, there was a promise of romance, so I knew it had to have something I'd like!)
I ended up loving it! It was a quick read that kept me up-(in a good way wanting to read more, not in an 'I'm so scared' kind of way) and it was full of suspense! Plus, there's a great romance between Trinity and Dan, who just so happens to be the son of the lawyer that got Rafe off on insanity. It was just a perfect blend for a scaredy cat like me.
There's a lot about Trinity's dream walking gift that I'd like to know, so I hope Terri Clark writes more about Trinity. Plus, Terri Clark is a teen librarian-yay-and who better to write for teens than someone who works with them all day? (I especially loved that she had Dan and Trinity head to the library to do research!) I thought this was a good debut and I'd recommend it readers wanting some mystery and suspense with their romance.