A review by drowninginthewords_jessica
Mark of the Witch by Maggie Shayne


This novel has a good premise and should have been an easy quick read but the beginning was so slow I could not get into it until the midway point. Indy, or Indira (I had a hard time remembering the name), was a heroine I could not connect with. She was sarcastic, she was rude, and she had all these supernatural things happening around her and her first instinct is to deny it all. It almost gets her killed. Not that she did not make me laugh a time or two but those were her main characteristics. Tomas, the hero, on the other hand was the complete opposite: he was a priest, kind, intellectual, and very handsome. Yet he was twisted around the finger of a mad, old priest. Then there was Rayne, sister to the priest and sister-witch to Indy who was too perfect to be real. She really did not make an impression on me. The old goat, ahem I mean priest Dom on the other hand was easy to hate from the get-go.

What I liked: the premise, it sets it up for a nice series, the settings (very beautiful and well designed)

what I did not like: characters need more work more depth, slow beginning, conclusion was a little unfulfilling for me.

All in all it was an enjoyable read. I give it: 3/5 stars!!!!!

ORIGINAL REVIEW CAN BE FOUND ON MY BLOG HERE: http://jesiwriter.tumblr.com/