A review by liana
Astonishing X-Men, Volume 4: Unstoppable by John Cassaday, Joss Whedon


I am a diamond, Ms. Pryde. I am, by definition, my own best friend.

Wow!! What a phenomenal series, what a great, wild journey! This X-Men run had me at the edge of my seat for its entirety, with every issue being better than the previous one. As for this volume? Absolutely, 100% breathtaking and heartbreaking. Some of my favourite parts:

1) Emma and Kitty's banter: I love these two separately, but together? They are a force to be reckoned with! Their banter was always a delight and I hope to see more of them at some point.

2) Emmascott: Emma and Scott are one of my favourite couples of the Marvel Universe and they had so many heart-aching moments in this volume. They honestly took my breath away and their chemistry definitely made this comic book an exceptional one for me.

3) So many faves: Just when I was about to say "Yeap, okay this is it, this character is definitely the protagonist for me" swooosh something changed and someone else grabbed the spotlight. Emma, Kitty, Scott, Hisako, even Ororo's too-short cameo, all made the comicbook for me. So many beloved characters appeared and I loved every moment of it. Peter was the biggest surprise for me; At first, I have to admit, I didn't really care for him in this volume, but I ended up completely loving him.

But I have something I need to address: A FUCKING R*PE JOKE???? FUCKING REALLY??? WHEDON WHAT THE FUCK