A review by hostral
Sourcethief by J.S. Morin


If you've made it as far as the ending of Aethersmith then you know exactly what to expect from Sourcethief. There is no need for an in-depth review on my part, those have been provided by the (deservedly) growing number of fans of this series. Simply put, if you've made it this far, you should definitely finish it off.

An excellent series, and one which shows the world that an independently published author can put out fantasy work that is not only as good as, but better than most of the traditionally published books being released today.

The twinborn concept is used in a delightful fashion, with plots and plots within plots developing over a series of increasingly complex machinations that flit from character to character and world to world.

My one concern was that this final book is shorter than the other two, but given that the world was already built it was a matter of moving the pieces about and watching them in play. Morin juggles the varying viewpoints with deft aplomb and doesn't skimp on content or conclusion. Everything is wrapped up neatly and nothing feels overly rushed.

The conclusion is satisfying, and while this particular story is fully told it does leave the author with the ability to revisit his world at a later date, which he has done with the Mad Tinker Chronicles.

Rashan Solaran is one of the great creations of the last decade of fantasy, but it is through the eyes of Kyrus Hinterdale that I enjoyed the story most. Their inevitable conflict and the third party of Jinzan Fehr constantly looking to be rid of both of them made for some tense but memorable reading.

Hats off to you Mr. Morin, an appropriate ending to a great adventure. I look forward to reading whatever you write next.