A review by elnechnntt
Insomnia by Marina Benjamin


2.5 stars.

A very small number of little gold nuggets in this but nothing that particularly stood out for me.

The writer is .. well, a writer. It definitely reads as ‘I am a professional writer and I am going to write about my insomnia’. I can’t help but feel this would have felt more meaningful if written by someone less experienced with writing. That we may have gotten more to the heart of the individuals experience rather than an endless plod of fractured paragraphs that didn’t really provide a lot of depth for me.

Benjamin ascertains this is how her mind works when she cannot sleep but to be honest, this endless trudge from one thought to next is how my mind works throughout my entire waking life so I couldn’t see how this was unique to insomnia.

For me, her writing failed to take the subject matter into a new space.