A review by artbreakerbookclub
A Good Night for Shooting Zombies by Jaco Jacobs, Kobus Geldenhuys


I received a copy of this book through Netgalley. A very sweet natured book aimed at teens and pre teens, it was a nice quick read. Set in South Africa, Clucky befriends his neighbour Vusi who is dying of Hodgkins disease. Vusi has a dream of making a zombie movie and Clucky helps him along the way. It is a book about friendship and doing the right thing. A book about teenage adventure, making memories and ignoring your parents wishes along the way!

I loved the ending when the whole community comes together and I loved the little illustrations as well. There are a lot of good elements in the book that could have been explored further. At only 160 pages, things move quickly and I would have liked more depth, especially the friendship between Clucky and Vusi.