A review by kimmiereadsalot
Kissing the Enemy by Harmony Williams, Leighann Dobbs


Free on Apple Books.

Starts off great. Regency. Spying. Clandestine encounters. Unfortunately, it drags a bit through the middle. Those clandestine encounters aren’t ever taken advantage of until way too late in the story imo. There’s also way too much miscommunication. I didn’t expect this because it starts off so direct just to waste way too much time beating around the bush. And duh the enemy isn’t who she thought it was. Like obviously. But whatevs. I’ll let it go. Why? Because we finally get redemption and it all works out. I was glad the way it was done even if it was wrapped up way too fast.

I will say another thing that broke my immersion throughout was the misuse of titles. Why was Tristan, a second son, Lord Graylocke. We’re never given a (courtesy) title for him. Should he just be Lord Tristan? Also, a (dowager) duchess is never Lady Lastname. She is the (dowager) duchess. Or her grave, the (dowager) duchess. Mistakes like these are distracting as an avid historical romance reader because we have spent years learning the intricacies of addressing British nobility. You’d think authors would research this and know this.

One more pet peeve: the use of “heels” to describe womens shoes. I looked up regency shoes. I wouldn’t call them heels. Slippers. Half boots. Walking shoes. But none are really “heels”.

But again, I’m giving the 3 stars because the beginning, end, and love felt between the MCs made up for everything else. And it was free.