A review by blueberry31
Freedom by Jonathan Franzen


I thought Freedom was a great book, the style very easy to read. What I enjoyed most was the complexity of the characters, though I know many found them superficial and stereotypical, I didn't have that feeling at all. It's true that they could be easily fit into boxes with labels, but you could easily do that with any book and I think in this case the characters at least have a coherent attitude and make choices that seem in tune with everything we are told about their lives.

Actually, reading this book felt like being Big Brother. You are into their lives, thoughts, actions and decisions. You know everything from their childhood until present times. Switching not only the character's point view every so often, but also the time of their lives made it feel like stories in the story. Even after finishing it I thought back on the book and felt like I had met these people, they felt real.

This book also deals with themes like religion, politics, and more generally: life. The passing of time, building relationships, destroying them, loneliness, selfishness, competitiveness. I feel it would be impossible not to relate to at least one theme in this book.

My only problem was the length, it was sometimes hard for me to read on when the characters weren't in a specifically critical phase of their lives and there was no action at all. Also, I absolutely hated the character of Lalitha, which in my opinion was the least complex and detailed one. She somehow felt less likeable because of this and I couldn't bring myself to care whenever she was involved.

So overall, very interesting read, coherent with today's society and the way mentalities have evolved and with good character building. But not a "love at first read" type of book, and a little too long for my taste at times.