A review by ariel25
The Edge of Nowhere by Elizabeth George


I won this book from First Reads, and it was my first one. This is the first book that I've read by Elizabeth George, so I have no idea how good her other books are. I think that this is her first book that was based for a younger audience though. From the ending, there will probably be a sequel,and I hope that it was better than the first; I may not read it otherwise. I only gave this book a three stars for several reasons.

1. Why was there so many descriptions of trees? I understood that they were surrounded by a forest with a vast variety of trees, but I have no idea what they all look like. Personally, I can only imagine them as a tree, so the detailed description of each time a tree was present was not necessary.

2. Why was everybody obsessed with Becca's appearance? Why did Elizabeth George have to go in great detail that she was making the main character ugly? Also, Becca constantly thought that she was ugly as well which was quite annoying. Then, almost everyone thought that Becca was fat. How could she be fat when she is riding her bike everywhere?! She dates Derric in the end, and he is protrayed as the most hot and athletic character in the book!

3. What is Seth's current purpose? I liked him in all honesty because he was the only likeable character in the book, but he just seems to be there to help Becca whenever she needed it. His issues were never really resolved.

4. What the heck Jen?! Since when is somebody that outright hateful to anybody? Why does she automatically decide to hate and bully the main character? She had no reason! Was she that way to anybody else who liked Derric?

5. Why couldn't Becca go to the freaking police?!?! This goes on from her whining and crying about how the police are going to take her back to her murderous stepdad, and it got annoying that she was so stupid! She made it worse from going into hiding a second time after she called 911 from her phone, and the police traced it! If she just told the police, they would be able to help! Common sense!

6. What is the purpose of Becca's abilities to hear 'whispers'? It made me annoyed the entire time when she felt the need to invade people's minds to figure out their deep dark secrets. Why did she feel it necessary to stick her nose into other people's business? Where did she get these abilities? It was never explained! Whoop-de-do! My daughter can read people's minds. What do you know? How does that come about?!

7. Lastly, why was there about 300 pages of nothing? The first 100 pages, nothing happens, then, once the mystery starts, the culprit is GUS! Seth's dog is the one who pushed Derric off the hiking trail and put him into a coma! Why was there this huge conspiracy? It was the dog! I felt like there could have been a better story behind who pushed Derric. The dog. Seriously?

That's only my opinion. I think the book could have been better.