A review by randi_in_horrorland
Now Entering Addamsville by Francesca Zappia


I maaaaaaaay have put this book on my TBR because I thought it had ties to The Addams Family. Don’t make the same mistake! THESE ARE NOT THE SAME.
Anywhooooooo. This is a spooky YA story about a girl named Zora who has an affinity for seeing ghosts. Because of her affinity, she finds herself in trouble with the law and is getting framed for serial arson.
This book gives me some mad YA Winchester vibes. A family of ghost hunters cruising around in a dope ass car? Hello, Dean?! It would be pretty cool to have a continuation of these books to encompass their ghostly haunts. *wink wink* *nudge nudge*. It would give it more of that Winchester-esque we all know and love.
I enjoyed the LGBTQ+ representation in this book. I find it didn’t feel forced or as an afterthought, which is nice. It made it feel more cohesive and had a good flow.
For all you who have read it... how we feelin’ about Bach? *insert eyebrow wiggle*. Why am I always attracted to the baddies!?
In my opinion, these books are perfect for someone looking for a spooky October book but they don’t want the bejeebus scared out of them.