A review by anniekslibrary
Out Of Touch by Michael Sarais


"'Can you hold me for just a bit longer?' I whispered, tears soaking into his shoulder, hugging him tighter and feeling safe in his unique Vincent scent. 'I could hold you forever,' he said, so quiet I wasn't sure I was supposed to hear."

Vincent and Teddy start out as online friends when they connect on Facebook through a shared friend. They're both in different countries, but they talk every day, and get to know each other better and better, and eventually fall in love. But then their circumstances drive them apart, and it takes years for them to see each other again. And even then, a happily ever after isn't yet in the cards for them, as life keeps getting in the way.

This book is divided into three parts, each set years apart, following Vincent and Teddy as teens, in their early twenties, and in their late twenties. It quickly becomes apparent that they're meant to be, but it takes a lot of time for them to get together.

Star-crossed romance is one of my favourite tropes, and I loved it here. The entire book is so intense, and especially part 2 of the book filled me with so many feelings. I found myself internally screaming at the book at times, wanting them to just be together already. Vincent and Teddy both go through really difficult things in life, but the hurt-comfort of how being together eases things for them and makes them feel safe made everything so much better.

I would highly recommend this, but I do urge you to look up the trigger warnings at the back of the book first.

Many thanks to the author for sending me a digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.