A review by tita_noir
Basilisk by Rob Thurman


Hmmm...what to say? What to say?

Mainly I did not enjoy this one as much as I did the first one. It had a repetitive, almost tedious quality. This book was told from Michale's first person POV, whereas the first book was told from Stefan's POV. Although I love Mischa, his introspective, almost navel-gazey musings somewhat de-railed the book. Stefan really is the heavy lifter of the series and I enjoyed his sharper take on events much that Micheal's more emo view.

I loved how unrelentingly evil little 10 year old Wendy was, tough. That was not a disappointment. She was nicely Machiavellian even though for much of the book her menace was mostly hinted at, held in reserve. When the confrontation finally came it was well done. Not too over the top and there were some nice surprises.

Up until the very end of the book, this was a low 4-star. It wasn't until the last sentence that the book lost me and soured me some on the story. I hate unnecessary cliff-hanger type endings and I hate energizer bunny characters.