A review by shannon_cocktailsandbooks
Moonlight Seduction: A de Vincent Novel by Jennifer L. Armentrout


This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

Cocktails and Books received this book for free from Social Butterfly PR in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect our opinion of the book or the content of our review.I wasn't sure what to expect from Gabe's story.  I was so turned around with Lucian's book (especially since I went into the book thinking it was a paranormal romance) that I was almost afraid of Gabe's.  But I'm glad I didn't let that stop me because I think Gabe is my favorite de Vincent.

I think my favorite part of this story was the fact that Nikki, daughter of the de Vincent estate caretakers, had this enormous crush on Gabe and then came home to a romance with him.  This story could have gone so many ways, but JLA gave these characters such chemistry that it was hard to deny they really belonged with each other.  Despite the ten year age difference, they were in-tune with one another and provided that support and encouragement the other needed.  Sometimes neither one of them was very good at listening to what that chemistry was telling them, but readers also knew they'd figure that out very quickly (which they generally did).

I think the mystery about the weird goings on at the house finally seem to come to light.  Now I'm anxiously awaiting Dev's book to figure out what is up with him and Sabrina and why everything has happened.  I just know there is a spectacular story there.