A review by noranne
Time Squared by Lesley Krueger



It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize what was happening in this book, probably not aided by listening to it so I didn't have the dates right in front of me. Also I just don't really know when a lot of wars took place apparently. It wasn't until WWII that it twigged. 
I was like, jeez, they really waited over 20 years to get married?? I had also been wondering when we were finally going to get to the time travel stuff hinted at in the prologue.
But then it all clicked into place!

At about 75% I thought I knew what was going on, but it took a left turn I did not expect. It wasn't disappointing, exactly, and I liked the idea, but I thought the execution was a little flawed. 
I also didn't really see Lizzie and Charles as these big antagonists who were doing bad things. They were like PhD students running experiments? And some bit of code is like talking back to them? They can even read her mind! I dunno, I just didn't feel that bad for Eleanor at that point. So what if they pulled the plug on her? Like it's nice that she and Robin got their happyish ending (with a weird sudden class awareness thrown in?) but it's not real. And it's not like I can't feel emotions about characters in books, but maybe two layers of fiction was just a bit too much for me. Also they made Eleanor so terribly unlikable in that era too.