A review by middle_name_joy
Bravo, Tanya by Patricia Lee Gauch


Any follow-up to Dance, Tanya has big (dance) shoes to fill. Luckily, Bravo, Tanya stands in no shadow, continuing the tale of young dancer, Tanya, who is now taking ballet classes. She knows the steps, but always gets off the beat and makes mistakes. The ballet teacher wonders if she is ready. All Tanya knows is that dancing is easy in the meadow and down by the brook, where all that can be heard is the music of the wind. Can an unexpected friend help her become a true ballerina?

My heart aches at the sweetly-drawn Tanya in the golden haze of illustrations. The message is an important one--find joy in what you love. You may love playing music, but not be able to translate that to an orchestra. We can all take a lesson from Tanya: Find your meadow, and dance.