A review by cuddlesome
Morgana and Oz by Miyuli


(written as of season one's release)

Oh this SLAPS. The initial setup is the tiniest bit slow but after it hits its stride this story is SO fun.

The characters are incredibly charming, from the main characters to all of the periphery ones. Every design is distinctive. Dima, the nonverbal fanged-bandana-wearer, is my favorite background character while the red vampire leader owns my whole heart in terms of the main cast.

Speaking of design choices, I appreciate having a main M/F pairing with a shorter man/taller woman that doesn't have attention verbally drawn to it. It wears on me when that becomes such a point of fixation in other stories. Side note, poor Oz spends around a third of the story as a cat, but he still manages to be very expressive.

You get such a sense of family and camaraderie from both the witches and the vampires. I cackled aloud when Oz's clan started dunking on him for his crush on Morgana. It's just adorable.

It's probably at least partly because it's the end of the day and I was too tired to decipher a couple of the twists, but I was just along for the ride with a couple of the reveals and "ohhh"ed accordingly. I always take it as a good sign of me just being super invested when I'm too excited to see what happens next to connect the dots between hints. There was this one twist I won't get into because spoilers but it was the tiniest bit, "Aha, so that's how that was hidden... why was that hidden..?" If you read it it'll become evident what I'm referring to, I promise.

I do have a couple of other small criticisms--due to the cartoonishness of the art style there wasn't really much sense of dread during the "scary" parts. The vampires draw blood very rarely to the point that it feels odd to even have them be vampires. It's really just a matter of taste, though, I suppose, and having it be Saturday morning cartoon levels of scary makes it more accessible to younger audiences.

Unfortunately, this was also the first webtoon where I felt very cognizant of the prerendered assets; there was this potion basket and some food that really clashed with the rest of the artwork.

Still, even saying that, the story is more than charming enough to make up for it. I was devastated when I realized that only "season one" is out at the moment and am waiting with bated breath for the next part. Still, even if this was all there was to the story, I REALLY enjoyed it. It's so darn cute that I'm willing to forgive the couple of flaws.