A review by dragonarmy
Teen Titans: Raven by Kami Garcia


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As I said in my review of [b:Teen Titans: Beast Boy|46127757|Teen Titans Beast Boy|Kami Garcia|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1559433257l/46127757._SY75_.jpg|71057062], I know very little about Teen Titans. But I've always loved superheroes!

Teen Titans: Raven is a new and fresh take on the 1980s DC Comic superhero Raven. This is an origin story where teenager Rachel Roth has lost her mother and her memory. On top of that, she is hearing the thoughts of people around her and even affecting her surroundings with her own thoughts. It's an easy-to-read high school angsty voodoo magic demon dad kind of origin story. And it works.

The artwork is excellent. I especially love the coloring in this one. Most of the artwork is black and white, which really works with Raven's view of the world. Raven is almost always in color, and slowly but surely, her friends and surroundings begin to show color as well. I really felt like this contributed to the story.

The writing and characterization of the teens is still a bit cringey. It is definitely oriented to a younger audience, which is great, but does make it a bit of a tougher read for me.