A review by carleeiigh
Batman: Battle for the Cowl by Tony S. Daniel


Not sure what I was expecting, but I ended up really liking how intense this was! The writers seem to go back and forth on how "crazy" to make Jason Todd which is a shame - but for going all out in this short run, I really did like the drama of it all. And really anything where the Robins interact is fun.

How many times does Jason have to almost die for him to finally get some help??? Like Dick goes on and on in his monologues about how Jason could have reached out to literally anyone in the Batfam to get some peace - expect in Blood Brothers where Jason kind of DID but was just called insane and again, got the crap beaten out of him. Not that these events always take those other stories into account. Still, accepting the decision that they made Jason really off the rails murderous, I liked the dramatics.

Plus Dick finally admitting that he is a lot more like Bruce than he wants to admit and FINALLY taking over the Batman mantle. I like that growth of character, plus it's a good Refusal of the Call story. There are a lot of comics later on that state he hated being Batman, but I think the whole sacrifice part of yourself for the greater good concept is soooo good. Excited to see how he is in Batman Reborn