A review by bookwormreflections
Double Click by Lisa Becker


ARC received from author in exchange for an honest opinion. Find more reviews at The Reflections of a Bookworm

What worked: Remember how I said Click was one of the most original chick-lit novels I’d ever written? When the author approached me about reading the sequel, I couldn’t WAIT to see what else was in store for the characters. Unfortunately it took me a while to sift through my TBR pile enough to squeeze in Double Click but in the end, I was kicking myself for leaving it so long. Straight away, we’re thrown back into the lives of e-mail obsessed friends that will crack you up and wow you with their distinctive binary voices.

Renee is just as fluffy and happy as usual with Ethan, Shelley is still a sharp-tongued minx and Ashley’s as cutting as ever! Yes, my friends were back. But Lisa Becker had introduced the very....testing...Cassidy into the mix. Watching a group’s status quo being thrown out of whack with fresh blood was my favourite part of the story. She means well, bless her, but Cassidy is a bit of a nitwit. It’s just like being involved in the emails yourself because if it were my group of friends, we would react in the EXACT same way as Renee and the gang. Double Click is a happy and hilarious story between friends and an excellent sequel to Click.

I’d hate to give too much away about the story line and reading experience because this book has to be read to be believed. With some spectacular “Reply to All” screw-ups, quotes I’ll remember forever and a good old bitch with girls, you can’t help but read Lisa Becker’s books in one sitting.

What irked: Although the e-mail format works incredibly well for the series, there were points where the characters would discuss previous encounters and it made me itch to get back to the meat of the story. It’s not that I was bored by any means, it just felt like a bit too much information all in one go but then there’s not much you can do about that when it’s e-mails flying back and forth between a group of people.