A review by acreatureofbooksandtea
D!ckhead by K.A. Merikan

Did not finish book. Stopped at 4%.
The writing was a random, amateurish mess that needed a lot more editing.

The scenes in the story, as well as Hammer's thoughts, were constantly jumping around and there was a lot of page time spent on pointless details and observations that were distracting and didn’t add anything meaningful to the story.
The characters all felt void of any real presence or personality in the story and they came across as unhinged, like their actions were just random outbursts that had no consistent reasoning to them. Like the one side character from the MC that is a described as a well-known womanizer, but then suddenly he gets caught looking at CP because apparently he’s not actually into women...? And he didn’t have better locks on his house to stop anyone from just strolling in? And he also didn’t hear a loud motorcycle pull up outside his home, or some giant dude coming into his house?

The main character, Hammer, was especially was hard to connect with because his character felt like he was trying to be too many things at once. His thoughts and opinions weren’t consistent, and he came across sometimes like he was almost simple-minded in his understanding of the world and the people in it, but then he would be described as this tough badass that enjoyed making people feel afraid.
Initially he acts outraged when he catches a club brother looking at CP, but then all he does is threaten the guy a little before he seems to just forget the whole thing so he can go chasing after a hookup (that said she didn’t want to see him anymore). And this dude is absolutely obsessed with anal, and badgering this woman to do it again, and this obsession takes total priority in his mind and actions over everything else, including problems with a drug shipment and catching a club member with CP. And it's just bizarre, because like wtf is with his priorities???

Everything about this story was weird, and not in a good way. This author is not one I’ll be picking up again.