A review by irenevh
The Hogwarts Collection by J.K. Rowling


An interesting look into further details of the wizarding world, and some of its characters, but in the end this collection fell somewhat short considering it was only a listing of facts and details and not one short story in sight

The wizarding world is a rich context and as a fan of the Harry Potter books it's always fun to learn more about that world. This collections gives new background information and insights. My favourite probably being a ballad about how Nearly Headless Nick lost his head, which was scrapped from The Chamber of Secrets.
I loved reading more about McGonnagal and Lupin because who doesn't love those characters. But in the end I was disappointed as I had expected the collection to contain at least one or two short stories from some characters we love.

Furthermore, it grated me how often this collection had to mention "by J. K. Rowling" for each written piece. Like yes, I get it, she wrote it. No need to beat me over the head with it.
Still I enjoyed hearing the thoughts on how things came to be in the writing process. As someone who liked to write for fun, seeing those little insight were very nice to see.

So overall, a fun addition to the world, but not one that is a must read.