A review by shethewriter
The Green Children of Woolpit by J. Anderson Coats


This book had an excellent sense of atmosphere and made a rich world from a real legend, which is hard to do in any stand-alone novel. I also liked the story, and in middle grade I look for nuanced endings that are maybe not perfect, but uplifting. I found that here. The world building was actually complex and almost confusing at times--author did a good job of making things clear, but I think third person might have helped a little bit because the plot was far beyond the mental capacity of the lead character. I expected that, since she's a young child, but it might have helped to have a narrator with a bit more of a bird's eye view.

All in all, it was great. Had an edge of whimsical darkness that I absolutely love. Might make a great family film soon. As middle-grade fiction goes, this is a solid four stars.