A review by its_justine
The Raven Lady by Sharon Lynn Fisher


"But now you are in love…And that is the greatest risk of all."

The Raven Lady is a captivating tale of transformation and finding one's true place in an ever-changing world, where loyalty is of the utmost importance. Author Sharon Lynn Fisher tells the legend of an unlikely romance between two souls bound by duty, both of whom diverge to unforeseen paths paved by respect and solidarity. Within its pages, a battle rages in the shadows for a foothold in the coveted Emerald Isle, and loyalties are tested, shattered, reformed. This is a beautifully told story of following one's heart while skirting deadly intrigue and wrathful deities, finding a place to call home in the most unexpected of places. With relatable characters, an enchanting world, and skillful storytelling, this modern fairytale is a true treat for those looking for a little magic.

The core of this story is its focus on the the budding relationship between its two main characters, Koli Alfdóttir and King Finvara, formerly known as Duncan O'Malley. Those that have read The Absinthe Earl will be familiar with the latter, but rather than a charming ship captain, we witness a man so completely out of his element when the mantle of responsibility is placed upon his shoulders. Koli, dutiful daughter of Iceland's Elf King, one of Ireland's most notorious enemies, battles what's been planted in her mind, and what lies in the shadows of her heart. What originally begins with a healthy level of apprehension blossoms into an accord of mutual respect, followed by a sizzling desire, however there's always a pang of distrust itching to come to the forefront. Only together will they be able to overcome the nefarious plotting intended to topple a kingdom, but first they must learn to set aside misconceptions and hold fast to the building trust.

The world Fisher crafts is wonderfully enchanting, drawing readers in with its dangerous beauty. The story takes place in Ireland during the late 19th century where the veil between the world of man and Faery, the realm of fairies, is thin, and a merging of the past and present can be seen around each and every corner. The in-between is made of stars shimmering in the darkness, a portal to and fro where time is of no consequence. Barrows home to long-forgotten kings and enchanted forests pepper the land, and it's not altogether uncommon to see a skyship drifting on the horizon. The entirety of this tale is about the joining of old and new, shifting and evolving, yet keeping true to your roots; castles made of ancient stones, but powered by mysterious alchemical sciences, timeworn magics meet steampunk technology, secrets of old brought to light by curious minds. It's easy to lose yourself in this world, and I hope to explore more of it in the future.

The author smoothly tells a story that takes you on a journey into another place and time, feeding your imagination and allowing it to take flight. As soon as I picked up the first book in this series, I fell in love with her writing style – fully captivated by the level of immersion and charm she infused into each of its pages. The Raven Lady follows suit, but I found it to be more…untamed, with less of a focus on propriety, and more on the needs of the body and soul. I truly appreciated this shift, as it perfectly indicated we were no longer concerned with the restrictions of society, and were free to embrace the wildness. More audacious, yet more introspective. More savage, yet more passionate. After a slow build up, there's an explosive race to the finish, and I just couldn't put the book down.

Fisher has a way of ensnaring readers with her flowing prose and knowledge on the many historical aspects of the tapestry she continues to weave. When it's clear an author has a passion for the content they include in their stories, it makes for a thoroughly enjoyable adventure.

The Raven Lady is a story I've been waiting for since I turned the final page of its predecessor last year, and I wholly enjoyed making my way through this book. It's a perfect example of what a modern fairytale for adults should be, grasping the magic, infusing myth and lore of the past, and presenting it in a relatable way to dazzle its audience. The story itself ties up nicely, albeit maybe just a tad too quickly, and can most definitely be read as a standalone novel. If you're hoping to transport yourself into an alluring, spellbinding world, The Raven Lady may just be the book you're looking for to help you get there. I highly recommend.

Note: A huge thank you to the author and Blackstone Publishing for providing me with a complementary advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.