A review by crimsichor
Ravage by Saint Harlowe


I can't get enough of these two.

Jackson's POV had me choked. Seeing Adrian through his eyes—the complete and utter love, obsession, and devotion? 20/10. Where can I get a man this devoted?

If he knew I would put a gun in my mouth if he asked. If he knew I would slit my wrists, or leap from a building, or douse myself in gasoline, he might’ve lost all faith in me.

How jealous God must be, watching me give all my faith to Adrian Price.

But not just Jackson, Adrian too. Being willing and at Jackson's mercy while having that man leashed? My god.

It drove me mad. His submission, his acquiescence, his eagerness to be pleased, to be used.

“Say it.”
“You’re my god,” he gasped out, shaking and whining.
“You’re my god, Jackson. You’re my god, you’re—” I fucked him through a messy orgasm.

Finally, Adrian taking the leap. It's one thing to fantasize about killing and eating someone, but it's entirely different actually doing so. I think it was written and tied together well, especially with Adrian's faith and how Jackson saw it. I do wish though to have had a peek into Adrian's head for his first time.

Anyway, that's another kill-together, eat-together cannibalistic couple to add to my list of favs <3

Your honor, they're in love you can't fault them for their atrocities. Jackson Monroe could call me a "good boy" and I'd lay myself out for him to make me their next victim.

Ravage is the sequel to [b:Rapture|96175982|Rapture|Saint Harlowe|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1675376396l/96175982._SY75_.jpg|114834808] so definitely read that one before reading Ravage as Adrian and Jackson are an established couple in this. Check TWs in both books!