A review by trike
Avengers Assemble by Brian Michael Bendis


This is great fun. The story starts off small with a heist and ramps all the way up to a cosmic level threat to Earth. This is epic-scale wide-screen adventure. We don't need character development because we know all the players. What we require are cool battles, interesting situations, cool dialogue and all-around awesomeness.

Bendis and Bagley deliver all of that.

As I have learned over the past couple months, it is apparently a rare occurrence for stories of this sort to be self-contained. So just the fact this has a complete tale contained between its covers garners it a bonus star.

The art is terrific, nicely supporting the over-the-top hijinks and effortlessly scaling from inside Iron Man's armor to giant spaceships engaged in space battles in outer space.

Bottom line, this book is loads of fun.