A review by edensgrief
The Wrong Man: A Novel of Suspense by Kate White


Have you ever had to deal with an "askhole"? That person who constantly seeks - and receives- good advice, yet fails to follow any of it? Then main character of this book would qualify as an askhole.

How can somebody who is is supposed to be so smart make such stupid choices? Despite sound advice, offers of help and even her own better judgement, this "savvy" business woman seemed to be hell bent on putting herself in danger while simultaneously refusing to do the right thing or rely on people she should/could trust. It's hard to root for a character who creates drama then acts shocked when things go wrong.

Giving examples would include spoilers, but it's something like this:

1) Somebody may be trying to kill me.... Let me arrange to meet strangers in a private locations.
2) My friends are worried about me and I've put their lives in danger.... I'll just hide the truth from them and tell them about my bad decisions after the fact.
3) I really should let the police handle this..... Instead, I'll withhold information and evidence while I run around playing junior detective.

This character annoyed the crap out of me. Despite a great start, good twists and (mostly) likeable characters, the muddled plot and constant forays into brainless behavior made it hard to really enjoy the book.

I like Kate White, and have read most of her books; but this one was just frustrating.