A review by eososray
I Quit Sugar: Your Complete 8-Week Detox Program and Cookbook by Sarah Wilson


I was looking for baking recipes with no sugar. This seemed like a good option at the time but they aren't really no sugar, she just uses brown rice syrup or stevia substitutes.
I did read the whole detox program while I had the book. Can't say I agree with eliminating fruit. I understand no fruit juice, but not all fruit. But okay, the idea is that you are detoxing off of fructose, breaking an addiction. You only do it for 8 weeks before adding some items back into your diet. Stevia, meh, not to my taste, hard to bake with and I dislike the after taste. But what ever. Brown Rice Syrup though, that is not a good choice, just because of the concentrated arsenic levels.
I am pretty sure I read somewhere in the intro that there were vegan and vegetarian options, but there aren't many. The general concept leaned far more into the paleo type diet than anything else.
And her 'addiction' to sugar was pretty limited, it is not like she was mainlining chocolate, soda and gummy bears.
In general, I found the detox over the top, and excessive. This is really a book about eliminating fructose, not all sugar. The author was fairly unrelatable. And I found the recipes not useful, because they still have sugar, where I am looking for completely sugar free.