A review by dfwsusie
The Heroine's Journey: For Writers, Readers, and Fans of Pop Culture by Gail Carriger


For every person who is oversaturated with The Hero's Journey and Joseph Campbell 24/7, this is for you.

Before reading Gail's interpretation of the differences between a Heroine and a Hero's journey, I couldn't articulate why certain stories connected with me and others didn't. Or, at the very least, why I can read certain books and watch certain films over and over, while others are one and done.

In the past year, comfort has been a bigger factor in my personal media consumption (can't imagine why?!) Reading Gail's Heroine's Journey story beats was as if she broke down the driving-force behind those choices and what makes a satisfying journey for me as a reader/watcher.

Included is a solid discussion of the sexism behind why writers in the Heroine's Journey sector are so routinely disrespected. I had not planned on reading something that would challenge some of my own behaviors as a reader, but I appreciated the eye-opening. I will actively seek out writers outside my little bubble and broaden the ol' horizons.