A review by libraryjen
A Return to Virtue by Elaine S. Dalton


As a runner, a woman, and a mom this was definitely a book written for me. Having run 2 full and 3 half marathons, I can testify that the comparison of life to a marathon is spot on! This was a quick, easy read with lots to ponder and lots of profound quotes. I'll share just a couple of my favorites.

"Sometimes I think we totally underestimate the great blessings we might have and the knowledge we might gain if we were willing to move out of our comfort zones."

"Modesty is more than hemlines, necklines, and revealing clothing. It is the appropriate dress for the appropriate setting. It is caring to dress appropriately to show respect for people, places, and settings."

"Procrastination is the opposite of obedience."

"When they
[our children] walk through the doors of our homes, they must feel that they are enough. They must feel peace. Our homes must not be places of additional stress and pressure. They must be havens where each of our children can be valued and loved for just being themselves. As mothers, our role is to love and lead our children."

If you enjoy running, are interested in how we can heal some of the hurt and broken families in our society today, are a parent, or want to someday be a parent, I definitely recommend this book to you.