A review by alienor
Deadpool, Volume 1: Secret Invasion by Daniel Way


I'm going to tell you a story (aren't you lucky) : there was a time in my life when I was an arrogant bastard genuinely thought that I had a great sense of humor.

I knooooow. Girl gotta see the truth now.

But let's stay focused, alright? So. That time, long long ago. God, such a good time. I could make fun of these silly, ridiculous French movies whose "jokes" (we're gonna need the quotations marks at this point) either appalled me or ... WELL, I won't talk about those I still don't understand (shout out to French readers here : Asterix new movies like really guys, really, in which world are they necessary really). I could also laugh at every TSTL moment in horror movies (I miss those, actually).

I really liked the HAHAHAHAHAHA NOPE bubble I built to myself. Sometimes I even shared it with fellow great-sense-of-humor people (alright, my boyfriend).

I am sorry to have to inform you that this time is forever over, because I read [b:Deadpool: Secret Invasion|6405304|Deadpool, Volume 1 Secret Invasion|Daniel Way|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1319315857l/6405304._SY75_.jpg|6594178], and I LOVED it. I have no shame.

I laughed like a maniac at this -

They wiiiiiiiiill *giggles*

and also that -

(don't ask, I don't knoooooow)

and yeah, I might have laughed at that too -

I loved [b:Deadpool: Secret Invasion|6405304|Deadpool, Volume 1 Secret Invasion|Daniel Way|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1319315857l/6405304._SY75_.jpg|6594178], when really, the whole thing is relatively plotless (excuse me : episodly driven), repetitive and gratuitously violent. Yet I want more, and if not for the fact that every woman must have a 100D (not that there's something wrong with big breasts or sexy outfits per se, OF COURSE, I just felt like women were objectified this way, and I don't like it, sue me) it would be a full five because trust me, when June comes, I'm so freaking tired that nothing works.

The moral being : My sense of humor sucks.

BF : Or perhaps you should sleep more than 4 hours a night.


I still don't like Taxi, Mickael Youn, Cyril Hanouna, Christian Clavier, etc etc.... (French will KNOW).


I may not have changed that much after all.

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