A review by laurelinwonder
The Shining Girls, by Lauren Beukes


I'm going to begin my review with a quite from Stephen King about this book, because I think he sells it a bit better than even the synopsis:

"No, not the twins from the Kubrick movie, but the targets of a serial killer who finds a time portal in Chicago during the Depression and jackrabbits his way through recent American history, killing women and taking trophies. Until, that is, he encounters a tuff girl who’s not so easy to do away with. It’s the black-hole version of The Time Traveler’s Wife."

Lauren Beukes is now officially on my regular radar, this is the second book I have read by her, and needless to say I have been pretty impressed. She clearly put a lot of research into this book, and though it took me a bit to get hooked into what was happening in the plotline (time travel is tricky), it was a wonderful read. There were times when I was so grossed out by the description I gaged out loud, and the suspense/creepiness was on point for the entire book. If you read this, which you should, be sure to give it time to unfold for you, it isn't your regular super fast paced NYTimes novel, but it deserves your time.