A review by emdoux
Please Write in This Book by Mary Amato


LPLD 3rd grade book talk
At the beginning of the school year, Ms. Wurtz hides a blank notebook in the Writing Corner, with the following note in the front:
“Hello Boys and Girls,
You have found this book! I hid it in the Writer’s Corner, hoping you would. During center Time, you can choose to come to the Writer’s Corner and write in this journal. Write about anything you want. Leave it for other students to find and write in, too. I want you to “talk” to one another in these pages. I will read the book at the end of each month. But don’t worry – I won’t grade you on what you write. There are only two rules: 1. Have fun. 2. Sign your name, so everyone knows who you are. Your teacher, Ms. Wurtz. PS: Don’t tell anybody else about this book. It will be more fun if each student finds it on his or her own.”
Sounds pretty fun, right?
It is. Ms. Wurtz doesn’t mind if people write things in the book to try and gross each other out, or jokes to make people laugh. But when one joke goes too far, the journal takes on a completely different tone.
Find out how Ms. Wurtz’ class fixes their journal in Please Write in This Book.