A review by bhauser
Also Known As by Robin Benway


Maggie is a bit of a child prodigy--when it comes to cracking safes. Born into a family of spies who work for the mysterious Collective, Maggie has just received her first solo assignment. She has suddenly found herself in high school in New York where she must get to know Jesse Oliver, and gain information about his father, a magazine publisher who is planning to run a tell-all article about the Collective that will certainly expose Maggie and her family. Of course, this can't be a simple assignment. Not only is Jesse good looking and very sweet, he is obviously crazy about Maggie. And then there's Roux, the first friend Maggie has ever had who was her own age. A social outcast, Roux helps Maggie navigate the foreign world of an elite private high school.
One of the things I really love about Robin Benway's writing is her ability to create real characters. Though the situation may require some suspension of disbelief, these are genuine teenagers, from their inner fears, to their outward expressions. The conclusion seemed a bit rushed with a tidy ending, but it was overall a fun read.