A review by bookshop_b
Contagion by Teri Terry


This book was really... what's the word? Underwhelming? I don't know maybe I just didn't connect with the characters but I really couldn't care less about the world ending.

I was so excited for this book! I freaking love diseases and epidemics - I'm a nurse! And it's set in Scotland! SCOTLAND! I literally didn't think I could NOT enjoy this book.

Oh how wrong I was.

A disease is wiping out literally everyone in the UK. If you get sick you die within 24 hours and there's no cure whatsoever!

So why was this book so boring?!

I think it was the characters tbh. They seemed so plastic and rigid who had no emotions besides instalove and RAGE! So much rage for no reason. This person hurt the girl I like - I'm gonna kill him! People don't do that and it's certainly not attractive if they do.


I'm so sad this book sucked.

Let me know when there's a good story about a killer disease.