A review by abbyreads8
Leave Me by Gayle Forman


Maribeth Klein is overworked and under appreciated. She slaves all day at work before coming home to care for her rambunctious twins and husband. So when she starts having sharp pains in her chest, she doesn’t think much about it. Fast forward to the end of the day: she’s in the hospital because she is having a heart attack. She comes out of surgery okay but needs quite a bit of recuperation time– something that seems to be an imposition to her children, husband, and boss. Frustrated, she does what she once thought was unthinkable: she buys a train ticket and leaves without a trace.

I absolutely adored Gayle Forman’s If I Stay series, so I was naturally thrilled to get my hands on a copy of her debut adult novel Leave Me. I had high hopes for this book and thoroughly enjoyed getting a chance to read it!

Maribeth was an incredibly relatable character. She managed to whine without getting annoying to me as a reader. She managed to do something that I thought to be horrible (leaving her children without as much as a goodbye) without making me dislike her. I felt as though I understood her motives and truly cared for her well-being, something quite vital for me in a novel.

That being said, I wasn’t thrilled with the semi-love-triangle in the book. I won’t go into too much detail as to not give away parts of the plot, but I was disappointed that a majority of Maribeth’s storyline was centered around her husband and a new potential love interest. When I started the book, I thought this would be a time of great individual growth for her, regardless of the individuals with whom she surrounded herself.

Love triangle aside, I found this to be an easy read that kept my interest and created an emotional connection to the story. If you like Gayle Forman’s other work and are looking for something in a more adult subgenre, I highly recommend this book! 3.5 stars.

Note: I was given a digital ARC of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.