A review by bookhero6
The Devil's Heart by Carmen Carter


In the midst of the current political turmoil in the US (re: Trump, the Muslim Ban, and all of the other divisive and heinous acts of his administration) I have really been enjoying the world of Star Trek. I've read this book and plan on reading more and I've started watching TNG on Netflix.

In the world of Star Trek, we seek to understand other cultures, we embrace diversity, gender/race is not a bar to advancement, and differences are celebrated, rather than reviled. It really is a beautiful utopian world we envision ourselves living in. We need to learn from Star Trek and apply it to our current lives.

About this book in particular, I kind of felt the ending was a copout. They didn't really resolve the primary problem, just transferred it to an unexplored (by them) location. What if they just foisted the problem off onto an entirely different inhabited galaxy? Or with the 5000 year timespan of the wormhole, to another time period. Wormholes work both ways, right? So it could come back when the wormhole opens up again? Right? But other than that I rather enjoyed this book.