A review by zepp1978
Avempartha by Michael J. Sullivan


Full Video Review Here: https://youtu.be/RTdxvhGSBvE

I’ve always had an interest in this series because of Michael J. Sullivan’s interaction with his readers. He emails, responds on Reddit, and even grants video interviews to talk about this series. Add to this that he bailed on his publisher to release his books independently with Kickstarter perks to his fans and he’s basically the unicorn of an interactive author. With Theft of Swords, I was able to see why this series has the rampant fan base that it does.

With Avempartha, Sullivan does what I believe to be a light tribute to The Hobbit; impenetrable fortress, a manipulative wizard, a reluctant hero, a talking dragon guarding a treasure, and much much more. But this is meant in a good way, as I am a Tolkien honk.

This one sees Royce and Hadrian taking a job from a young villager named Thrace who needs their help keeping her father from killing himself in going after this dragon creature that killed their whole family. Familiar face from The Crown Conspiracy show up in this town and we have yet another adventure that sees you turning the pages like a seasoned speed reader.

Unlike The Crown Conspiracy that felt like a closed-ended story, this one plants some seeds and answers some questions leaving you with a ton more and an undying thirst to pick up book 3.
In the end, I loved these two stories. Royce and Hadrian are the type of main characters I want to see on endless adventures and I’m very much looking forward to reading what comes next.